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  • 2025 VolunTEENS info sessions
  • National Geographic Virtual Library
  • Mango

eAudiobooks and eBooks

Access Video

Access Video

Stream thousands of informative eVideos for all ages.

OverDrive eAudiobooks

OverDrive eAudiobooks

Choose from a selection of thousands of eAudiobook titles to check out and listen to.

Apps available:
 Libby for iOS (download), Libby for Android (download), Browser (

OverDrive Teens

OverDrive Teens
eAudiobook eBook

(Grades 6-12) Read eAudiobooks or eBooks for teen, focusing on grades 6-12.

Apps available:
 Libby for iOS (download), Libby for Android (download), Browser (

World Book eBooks

World Book eBooks

(Grades K-8) Explore this collection of eBooks for elementary and middle school aged students. eBooks are available for a wide range of reading abilities, including fiction, and nonfiction subjects. Some eBooks include audio that will read-along and highlight the words as they are read.